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There are many kinds of animals that build nests, with the most recognized ones being birds, mammals, amphibians, fish, and reptiles. But these creatures aren’t the only ones who nest – insects do, too. And that includes the mosquito.
What is a Mosquito Nest?
While mosquitoes do not technically build nests in the traditional sense, they do seek out stagnant bodies of water where they will lay their eggs in one place. The more moist areas in your yard, the more mosquito eggs you may have. Female mosquitoes will lay small, white, oval-shaped eggs in rows near or on the water. While 100 eggs are the typical amount for a female to lay after mating, this number can be closer to 200 in some cases!
These eggs float on the surface of the water for several days before hatching into larvae, which feed on plant matter and molt several times before developing into pupae and, ultimately, adult mosquitoes. Because the mosquito life cycle is only 2-4 weeks in length, infestations can occur in a very short period of time.
Where Do Mosquitoes Nest?
Because mosquitoes need moisture in order to thrive, they like to lay their eggs near bodies of water, such as swamps, pools, ponds, and lakes. However, they do not need a large body of water to lay their eggs. Mosquitoes can easily flourish in small pools of water that you might find around your yard, like the ones found in flowerpots, bird baths, watering cans, empty buckets, gutters, kiddie pools, and even small puddles.
Experiencing pesky mosquitoes on your property? Mosquito Hero is here to help! Request your free quote today to get your property sprayed!