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Three Species of Mosquitoes We See in North America
Mar 12, 2023
There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes. They all share some qualities, like their long, needle-like mouths, segmented bodies, and appetite for feeding on mammals like us, but there are some subtle differences in their behaviors, preferred climates, and risk of transmitting disease to humans. Here are three mosquito species that we encounter across North America, and why you might not want them settling in your backyard. Yellow Fever Mosquito As the name suggests, the Yellow Fever Mosquito is a carrier of harmful diseases, including yellow fever, Zika virus, and dengue fever. While originally from Africa, these stowaways likely made their way around the world on European sailing ships hundreds of years ago. Now, they’re common in southern Florida and along the Gulf coast. These little guys like to hide out and multiply inside containers–think flower pots, empty ditches, and any discarded items with built-in shelter. Cattail Mosquito Cattail Mosquitoes like to hide in (you guessed it) cattails. They’re common across about two-thirds of the United States and Canada, wherever they can find freshwater swamps and wetlands with aquatic plants, like cattails, that are rooted underwater but break the surface with their leaves and stems. Cattail mosquitoes are difficult to eradicate because they can fly for long distances, up to 10 kilometers or 6 miles, without landing on any plant material that has been treated with the insecticide. They’re also rarely present at the time of application. The larvae and pupae can detach quickly from their host plant and swim down into the sediment of the body of water to hide if their plant is disturbed. Yet it’s important to get rid of them because they are carriers of West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Removing the aquatic plants in your area may help make your professional treatment more effective for this type of pest. House Mosquito The common house mosquito is a real nuisance. They’re nocturnal, so you might wake to hear them buzzing around your bedroom in the middle of the night, attracted to you by the carbon dioxide in your breath. During the day, they hide in warm, damp areas around your home, like your gutters and pipes. They’re carriers of West Nile Virus and encephalitis, and can even spread filarial worms to dogs. They also like to feed on birds, making them a bridge, sometimes spreading viruses across species. At Mosquito Hero, we can help you reclaim your space and protect your family and pets from dangerous bites. Learn more about our mosquito control programs and get your free quote today!